I've been bought a Purseket Purse Organizer Insert by my mum and I thought I'd let you know how superb they are. This Purseket is really fantastic.
If you don't know what a removable purse organizer is, let me explain... This Purseket Handbag Organizer Insert is a liner for the interior of your purse. It's a row of neatly sewn pouches which you place inside your handbag to give it internal compartments. What a elegant solution to untidy-purse syndrome.
The key post is a great idea: it keeps your keys in one place all the time. This is simply great news as anyone will tell you that trying to find your keys in a jumbled handbag is THE most time consuming thing you'll ever do. The Purseket's key post keeps your keys right there all the time so you can instantly retrieve them!
Secondly, the pouches of the Purseket handbag organizer are a real pleasure. The attention to detail is fantastic and, of course, the build quality is fantastic. Each and every pocket is carefully gusseted so it expands around large items, but are tighter on smaller things. So if you need to place small stuff such as make-up or large items such as your PDA, the pouches fit superbly around that item.
If you buy any of the bigger models, there's yet another feature to look out for: a fastenable privacy pocket which ensures small things are secure. So, along with the gussets, you really can squeeze a lot things into this single pocket.
The Purseket Purse Organizer Insert comes into its own when you need to swap bags. All you do is lift it from the bag your using and place it into another! And it stops you from forgetting things.
The Purseket Handbag Organizer can be bought in 4 sizes that will fit anything from a small handbag to a larger tote. I'd recommend a medium as it's the most versatile size for most bags. If you want to transfer the medium into a smaller bag you'll end up with a bit of overlap -- and in a larger bag you'll have a bit of a space between the ends but, truthfully, this isn't a problem. Also, they are available in a huge assortment of colors so you'll be sure to find something you love!
Our summary: Pursekets do exactly what they set out to: Simplify your life by making your handbag organized! Thank you, Purseket!
Get your own from www.Purseket.com